This application is a tool to obtain Volume Correction Factor & Weight Conversion Factor for calculations on petroleum product based on ASTM international standards (Table 54B & Table 56).
User must input Density at 15 o C ( kg/m3 ) and observed temperature to obtain the Volume Correction Factor (VCF) & Weight Conversion Factor (WCF).
Volume Correction Factor (ASTM Table 54B)
For Generalized Products- Correction of volume to 15 o C against Density at 15 o C.
Table 54B provide the Volume Correction Factors (VCF) for users to convert Gross Observed Volume (G.O.V.) to Gross Standard Volume (G.S.V.) at temperatures other than 15 o C to corresponding volumes at 15 o C.
Weight Conversion Factor (ASTM Table 56)
Table 56 provide the Weight Conversion Factor (WCF) for users to convert Gross Standard Volume (G.S.V.) to metric tons (in air)